
The Wolf Discovery Centre is located in Montigiano, Massarosa, in Lucca, Northern Italy, on the outer edge of an area that was affected by a wildfire in November 2022. The project proposes a reforestation plan and a building made from the fire’s remnants. The building will house a wildlife research centre. The purpose of the building is to protect the burnt site from agents that would otherwise use it for economic gain while providing spaces for wildlife research.

One of the design strategies to protect the site is the creation of illusions that grey wolves inhabit the area. This species is under threat of extinction and EU wildlife legislations are in place, protecting the wolves and prohibiting the damaging of their natural environment. Through carefully taken measures and illusions, varying from the manipulation of sounds and smells to the making of fake traces, visitors are led to believe that the area is inhabited by wolves. The building will be made of wood, burnt wood and zinc obtained from wood ash. Its construction is planned as part of a ten-step process that will take place concurrently with the gradual restoration of the environmental damage from the fire.